Soul Therapy

Soul Therapy, or Soul Retrieval, as it is better known, is accomplished within our true tribal community as a result of the Addiction Alchemy Universal Medicine Wheel Journey work. We only know a fraction of what is being "handled" on the wheel. Many hands (hearts and souls) make light work, and we work together in a living mandala of divine light, loving in a way we barely comprehend. That we get to do this is an incredible gift, and ultimately it is our calling to pass it down to others.💙

"Much therapeutic work is being done with disciples below the threshold of their awareness. A new method has been established of bypassing the concrete mind, since it has been this aspect which has given the greatest trouble in regard to resistance to therapy is concerned. We have found a way of linking the Soul with the subconscious without utilizing the concrete mind aspect.

Energy projected into the subconscious from the Soul results in stimulation and activation of buried thoughtforms, releasing buried emotion and gradually eliminating the power of the thought form to influence the life and affairs of the consciousness.

This naturally produces many reactions which are extremely difficult for the individual to understand. It is a much quicker process of therapy than that of analytical therapy and wherever the karma of disciple permits, we are using this method. There are many whose karma would not permit this method. No one below the status of a disciple could take advantage of it.

The process is established by the Master and carried out under His direction by the Soul of the individual concerned. Many members of the World Group are being affected by this method.

This has only been established approximately 6 months ago and has only been in operation for that period of time. It is proving highly successful and the time is coming when it will be the only method utilized by disciples.

I will attempt to clarify somewhat what is taking place with you at this particular time, An old thought-form which previously blocked not only your ability to express love, but your ability to express almost any emotion as well has been reactivated by this process. The Soul has established direct contact with this form and is in the process of devitalizing it. Upon contact with the form there is always, in the beginning, a stimulation due to the life giving nature of Soul energies. However, this stimulation when watched over and directed by the Soul, brings on reactions so violent as to result in emotional release.

When the thoughtform is depleted of vital life energy it will disintegrate and the block will disappear without any conscious knowledge on the part of the brain consciousness as to what has taken place. One by one these troublesome blocks will be removed until the disciple will find himself miraculously changed, healed, of many of his difficulties."

Lucille Cedercrans/Master R.


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