The Cosmic Dance & the Lost Formulas

“One of the fundamental concepts which is grasped by all magical workers, is that both will and desire are force emanations. They differ in quality and vibration, but are essentially currents of energy, one forming an initial vortex or centre of activity, being centrifugal, and the other being centripetal, and the main factor in the accretion of matter into a form around the central vortex.

This can be seen demonstrating in an interesting way in the case of the egoic lotus, where we have the will aspect forming the "jewel in the lotus," or the inner centre of electrical energy, and the desire or love aspect forming the egoic lotus itself, or the form which hides the centre. The analogy in all form building holds good for gods, men and atoms.

The solar system is (from the higher cosmic planes), seen as a vast blue lotus, and so on down the scale; even the tiny atom of substance can be so considered. The distinction between these various lotuses exists in the number and arrangement of the petals. The solar system is literally a twelve-petalled lotus, each petal being formed of forty-nine lesser petals.

The planetary lotuses differ in each scheme, and one of the secrets of initiation is revealed when the number of the petals of
a. Our earth planet,
b. Our planetary polar opposite, (Venus)
c. Our complementary or equilibrising planet, (Mercury) is committed to the initiate.

Armed with this knowledge, he can then work out certain formulas of magic which enable him to create in the three spheres. It is the same basic concept which governs thought form building, and which enables a magician of white magic to produce objective phenomena on the physical plane.

He works with the two types of energy, will and desire, and their equilibrising is what leads to the balancing of the pairs of opposites, and the subsequent release of energy-substance in the formation of the physical plane structure.
The magician has to know the following facts:
The formulas for the two aspects of logoic energy, will and desire. This is literally apprehension of the note and formula of the Brahma or substance aspect, and the note and formula of the Vishnu, or building aspect. One he ascertains because he has mastered matter; the other is revealed to him when he has achieved group consciousness.” (TCF 1018-19)

This centrifugal and centripetal motion DK outlines here can also be visualized as two forces that turn upon each other until perfect balance is achieved. A continuous  rotation of a dual organism or energy source that loops back upon itself. Neither one being able to cancel the other out they can go on infinitely until some greater force intervenes and the whole dynamic  we are outlining starts all over again on a higher turn of the spiritual spiral.

This is one of the great mysteries of duality or how dual opposing force might actually operate or look on the inner planes. Electrical and magnetic polarity we are told rule and arrange all things on the inner levels, but what does that mean for the disciple who may lack the clairvoyant vision to understand this principal and its infinite manifestations in a more direct way?

Man is the battle ground for these two opposing forces and only when he recognizes them in their own life are they able to act accordingly and make the right adjustment to go forward to the next level of spiritual growth and integration.

Looking at this dynamic from another point of view one of the key ideas of discipleship training has historically been seen in the symbol of  “entering the stream” If one goes with this spiritual flow or current one is swept forward by a great magnetic pull  towards their destined goal.

If one opposes this spiritual flow of energy and force resistance occurs with its many counter-forming eddies and vortices and the ivolutionary forces predominates. DK affirms in his book Esoteric Healing, that all sickness, ill health and disease are the result of resistance to the soul’s impulse, guidance and greater truth.

All esoteric astrologers understand that prior to initiation the student goes around the astrological wheel clockwise and at the 3rd initiation there is a reversal and he now goes around the astrological wheel counterclockwise.
This interesting paradox and dynamic around dual motion is summarized by DK when he speaks of the astrological decanates but has particular relevance in our discussion of how energy moves in a 4th dimensional way.

“….until such time as astrologers have developed a four-dimensional consciousness and know the true meaning of the Biblical phrase: the "wheel turning upon itself." In reality, the wheel does not turn like a wheel in a car either forward or the reverse. It turns every way and both ways simultaneously. This fact is, as yet, an impossible one for the human consciousness to grasp.

The complexity involved in the progress through the decans—conditioning also the rulers—is to be found to be based upon this multiple action of the wheel. The wheel, therefore, moves not only clockwise, but both ways at once and also at right angles to itself.” (EA 370)

Extracted from RULE X.
Ref. Duane Carpenter


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