Electric Bridge

The esotericist regards himself as a constructive cell in the divine circulatory flow. Through occult meditation and the creation of thought forms of light and love, his own physical blood is electrically energized within the greater Logoic bloodstream, and the process of redemption – individual and planetary – accelerated.

This is all the more potent when a group of people comes together in meditation united by a shared vision. Ideas and qualities of a similar vibratory frequency precipitate from the group soul and literally circulate throughout the blood of each member. A process of group redemption thus occurs similar to that described in relation to the individual .

Some of the atomic fire of physical plane matter – an aspect of the kundalini force – enters the bloodstream of the group through the breath of each member and mixes with the qualities and ideas that are impressed upon the blood from the inner planes.

Some of the blood is thus transmuted and in its etherized state, rises towards the group soul infused with the fiery essence of redeemed atomic matter.

The circulation of group energy proceeds and where the synthesizing power of vision is strong enough, the group persists as a permanent subjective entity. United by shared qualities, the group is synthesized into an organism, each member becoming a blood brother in the higher sense of the term.

This demonstrates the magical, life-giving properties that lie behind sound mantrams. The affirmation used dynamically at the time of the zodiacal festivals has the power to unite and transform a group of people into a working, redemptive organism within the cosmic bloodstream:

" I am one with my group brothers and all that I have is theirs.
May the love which is in my soul pour forth to them
May the strength which is in me lift and aid them
May the thoughts which my soul creates, reach and encourage them".
The electrical power of such a mantram literally courses through the arteries and veins of the group organism, mixing with the fire of oxygen/ether taken in from the surrounding air.

Then group soul, prepares the group organism for the second stage of meditation – the projection of the antahkarana towards the Hierarchy and from there, on to the centre where the Will of God is known – Shamballa.

An electric bridge is thus erected between heaven and earth. Spiritual information can now be transmitted and received through the planetary ethers.

1. All physical phenomena as we understand the term have an electrical origin, and an initial vibration on the first sub-plane of the physical plane, relates to the Life in the substance - Warmth or Chemical ether.

2. Light, physical plane light, has a close connection with, and uses, as a medium, the second ether- monads, spirit.

3. Sound result of their interaction, functions through the third ether - spiritual will, atma.

4. Colour in a peculiar sense is allied to the fourth ether, buddhic subplane and egoic groups. it relates to the fourth Human heirarchy, as the esoteric part of Humanity as the rays of the soul and personality do.

The role of an esoteric group is then to work with this spiritual information to release enriching potencies into the divine circulatory flow on the lowest levels of Logoic manifestation. This is esoteric science as practiced by the initiate – the application and transmission of the electric forces of the seven rays of life into the world.

Excerpted from Arcane study
Electric bridge; A Bailey


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