The Avatar of Synthesis

Members of the New Group of World Servers consist of those who are completely dedicated to the service of humanity and to the establishing of right human relations under hierarchical impression; aspirants and quite a few disciples have diversified interests and only serve part time. To all these groups is committed the task of implementing the work and directing the energies for which the Christ is responsible. The objectives of the Hierarchy in this [Page 648] divine act of massed impression and stimulation are briefly three, as follows:

1. To bring about those conditions which will make the coming of the Christ possible. The blended influence of these energies will bring about what may at first appear to be undesirable results, because the remaining opposition of the Forces of Evil is still active and must be overcome; this may necessitate drastic measures, but great good will eventually appear.

2. To prepare the minds of men so that they may be ready for the influence of the Avatar about Whom the Scriptures speak. He is called THE AVATAR OF SYNTHESIS and His influence will be spread through the work and the activity of the Christ.

When the Avatar comes He will convey to humanity something for which we have as yet no true name. It is neither love nor will as we understand them. Only a phrase of several words can convey something of the significance and then only feebly. This phrase is "THE PRINCIPLE OF DIRECTED PURPOSE." This principle involves three factors:
a. Understanding (intuitive and instinctual, but intelligently interpreted) of the plan as it can be worked out in the immediate future.
b. Focussed intention, based on the above and emphasising an aspect of the will, hitherto undeveloped in man.
c. Capacity to direct energy (through understanding and intent) towards a recognised and desired end, overcoming all obstacles and destroying all that stands in the way. This is not destruction of forms by force such as is now being imposed on the world, but a destruction brought about by the greatly strengthened life within the form. Only the next one hundred years will reveal the significance of this statement and then only if the massed intent of the people evokes this Avatar of Synthesis during the next twelve months. I have called this Being by this name because it expresses the quality and the objective of the force He brings and wields.

An Avatar is a Being Who—having first developed His Own nature, human and divine, and then transcended it—is capable of reflecting some cosmic Principle or divine quality and energy which will produce the desired effect upon humanity, evoking a reaction, producing a needed stimulation and, as it is esoterically called, `leading to the rending of a veil and the permeation of light.' This energy may be generated within the human family and focussed in a responsive Messenger; it may be generated within the planet itself and PRODUCE A PLANETARY AVATAR; it may be the expression of the life impulse and energy of the solar system, or of sources outside the solar system and therefore cosmic. But always it is focussed through a manifesting Entity, is called forth by a demand or massed appeal, and evokes response and consequent changes in the life activity, the culture and the civilisation of mankind.


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