Synthesis & Master Morya

The Aquarian Age will be predominantly the age of synthesis and light.

Three statements in the New Testament begin now to demonstrate their profound esoteric significance and their amazing living potency:

Phrase 1. 
I am the Light of the World 
2nd Aspect: The Forces of Light

Phrase 2. 
My peace I give unto you 
1st Aspect: The Spirit of Peace 

Phrase 3. 
Love thy neighbour as thyself 
3rd Aspect: The Men of Goodwill 

The Ashram or group centre through which the Master Morya works is also exceedingly busy. It is obvious to you that as this is a first ray Ashram, the energy coming from the Avatar of Synthesis will make its primary impact upon this Ashram, which provides the line of least resistance. There, it is scientifically stepped down or broken down, prior to distribution to the Ashrams of the five Masters engaged in the work of preparation.
The first ray Ashram, that of the Master M. He is the custodian of the principle of synthesis, the work of which is that of organic fusion, and this is ever needed to supplement that of the building agents.

The highest aspect possible of assimilation by the Hierarchy is directed by the Masters towards the Christ and is used by Him in His individual and planned preparatory work. Though He demonstrated when here before that His mission or work had a group or brotherhood objective, it is well known in hierarchical circles that first ray synthesis is something higher still than unity, and that even the Christ has somewhat to grasp anent this new potency—coming both from Shamballa or from the Father (as the Christ used to call that emanating source), and also from extra-planetary sources

The Christ is working, therefore, in very close cooperation with the Master Morya, and also with the Manu (one of the three Heads of the Hierarchy), and these three—the Christ, the Manu and the Master Morya—create a triangle of energies into which (and through which) the energy of the Avatar of Synthesis can pour, finding right direction under Their combined efforts.

On the physical plane, the initiates and the disciples working in the Ashram of the Master Morya are primarily occupied with the expression of synthesis in the world of politics and of government, and with offsetting wrong approaches to synthesis, seeking to preserve freedom in unity. It is a subjective synthesis for which they work—a synthesis which will express itself in an outer differentiation. This synthesis will define the many aspects of the essential, basic [Page 664] unity which, working out under the stimulation of the energy of synthesis, will bring about eventual peace and understanding on earth—a peace which will preserve individual and national cultures, but which will subordinate them to the good of the whole of humanity.

Paralleling these activities (and disciples on this ray are already taking the needed steps) will come that of the disciples and initiates who are working under the direction of the Master M. Their work lies in the field of right human relations and in the production of that synthesis of effort which will create a new intuitional consciousness and—consequently—a changing political consciousness and situation in which the family of nations will stand together for certain basic values. These are fundamentally three in number:

1. The freedom of the individual. These freedoms have been voiced for us in the words of that great first ray disciple, Franklin D. Roosevelt. They are the four essential freedoms.

2. Right international interplay, necessitating finally the abolition of war.

3. Clean political regimes, free from graft, selfish ambition and dirty political maneuvering.


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